
As an independent consultant with two decades’ experience in Theatre Sound, I offer a range of services at the interface of sound and technology:

Show Control Solutions

I developed and support the deployment of Wintermute, a show control, audience tracking, and team communication solution for large, non-linear immersive experiences.

The Wintermute Wiki is here:

Radio Frequency Engineering

I specialise in radio frequency engineering, and I have provided research, planning, and engineering services for some of the largest users of radio microphones, IEMs and Radio Comms in the UK. Working with Ofcom, I have supported research in to UK PMSE spectrum demand and new spectrum opportunities.

Clients include:

Software Development

In addition to Wintermute, I have developed a number of bespoke turn-key apps. I’m used to working to a very tight timescale and exacting reliability standards.

Recent projects include:

  • Sennhieser Multimon – a large-scale RF system monitoring solution –link
  • AnalysisEngine – a system for developing and applying an instrumental metric that maps to the perceived degradation of PMSE channels –link
  • Nisaba – a lightweight app for the recording, playback and filtration of OSC location data for object-based mixing environments

Audio Consulting

I also offer general technical consulting services for live audio, including system/install design, Noise@Work compliance, and helping clients research and leverage new technology.

Clients include: